Holiday Party 2022 at 1xINTERNET

4 min.
The women of the Conil office.

On Friday the 2nd of December we held our annual holiday party at 1xINTERNET. We are now a total of 74 employees and because of the pandemic related uncertainty we decided to split the group. We held a party in each of our offices in continental Europe; one in Conil, one in Frankfurt and one in Berlin.

The plan was to meet at each office and start with appetizers. Due to our different locations many of our employees work remotely and come to the office irregularly. A few people who have worked closely together on projects for a long time were meeting in real life for the very first time. After the appetizers we had a short online party where we reviewed the passing year, talked about the projects that await us in the coming year and got to see the pretty faces of our colleagues celebrating in other locations.

Go-Kart in Conil

The Spanish party started in Conil. In the morning there was a small ceremony as Ana, our office manager in Conil, celebrated her 5th anniversary with the company. Our CTO Stefan went to Conil to join in the celebrations there and he gave Ana a huge bouquet of flowers and champagne, thanking her for her amazing work over the past five years.

For lunch the team shared some Spanish tapas such as locally produced cheese, Spanish ham, hummus, guacamole, freshly baked bread and other delicious goodies. The group in Spain were in high spirits when the online party started and after that they all went Go-Karting in nearby El Palmar to show off their driving skills.  CTO “Super Speedy” Stefan came in first place and was crowned the winner.

“The most fun and important part was the time that we spent together and how fast the Go-Karts ran!”

Mónica, frontend developer at 1xINTERNET

Mónica Rodríguez Cárdenas Frontend Developer 1xINTERNET

Fun in Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, the party started with pizza and appetizers for lunch. The Frankfurt group was the largest, where in total 26 people met and had a fun day together. After the online party, the group exchanged secret Santa gifts. There were a lot of funny gifts like a karaoke microphone, a glow in the dark backpack, Bulgarian bowls, sweets from many different countries and much more.

Our CEO Baddý started an office karaoke to try out the microphone she got from her secret Santa. After the group sang their heart's out, the party moved downtown for some axe throwing! After a little warm-up, everyone had gotten a good handle on their inner Viking and were looking quite impressive with the axe. The evening was crowned with a delicious three-course Italian meal followed by some rounds of darts.

“The whole party was really great and the axe throwing was so much fun, better than I could have imagined.”

Fran, frontend developer at 1xINTERNET


Beer in Berlin

As they did in Conil and Frankfurt, the group in Berlin waited all morning with anticipation for the party. Some of the Berlin team were so excited that they wanted to open their secret Santa gift right after lunch. There were lots of lovely presents exchanged: coffee from Costa Rica, an egg server from the former East Germany and sweets from Switzerland and Hungary. 

After a few beers, nerf guns were found hidden in the office and a fun game broke out, managing director Christoph took a few unlucky shots but the others escaped a little better. The group then went out for dinner at Alexanderplatz. The restaurant serves German food with a modern twist and they even brew their own beer which everyone was eager to taste. The evening ended at The Badfish Bar, an authentic Berlin bar. The bravest in the group tried 'The Mexican', a Tomato-Vodka-Tabasco shot that literally burns in the mouth.

 "Party was just amazing. I never thought I could have so much fun at an office party. Best part was playing nerf gun shooting in our office and the Secret Santa gift."

Sarika, frontend developer at 1xINTERNET

Sarika Wirtz - Front End Developer at 1xINTERNET

Celebrating success together

The holiday party was a huge success in all locations and was marked by joy, good food and great company. It was the perfect way to celebrate the company's success in the past year. We look forward to meeting each other again as soon as we can in 2023!

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