Web analytics

Tracking & Analytics

Peter Drucker, pioneer of modern management teaching said: "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.” This is what we refer in web analytics! Web analytics is a continuous process of measuring, analyzing and optimizing.

Collect data-driven insights

1xINTERNET is your partner for web analytics

When it comes to web analytics, you should look for a reliable partner. The base of digital analysis is high data quality, correct setup of your analytics account and well established tracking concept. Together with you, we develop a concept that is tailored to your industry and your company-specific requirements. First step is creating a well thought of concept, then we have all the possibility of a successful analytics process.

Web analytics

What does web analytics include?

✔ Evaluating information about the behaviour of visitors online

✔ Tracking user behaviour and mapping the customer journey 

✔ Analysis of all online marketing measures

✔ Analysis of advertising campaigns (newsletter, social media, paid ads)

✔ Identification of vulnerabilities of own website

Our web analytics services 

Analytics Audit

We analyse the current state of your existing analytics setup and create an individual tracking concept for your company.

Analytics account structure

We will set up your Google Analytics account so that the structure is appropriate for your company structure and tracking can be set up for your business units.

Setting up target projects

Together with you, we will identify the most important goals of your website that will contribute to achieving your business goals in general. Here we distinguish between so-called micro and macro conversions.

Data views and filters

By setting up filters for your data views, we ensure that your internal traffic as well as test environments, spam, bots and spiders are filtered out.

KPIs and measured values

It is not always easy to focus on the most important KPIs for your industry and your company. We work with you to identify your most important KPIs and how to set up the tracking for them.

Measuring interactions

In order to understand how users interact with your website, the implementation of event tracking creates an important foundation and opens up new insights about your users.

Google Tag Manager

We set up Google Tag Manager for you, so that you can integrate your tags yourself in future via a central tag management system, without needing a developer. With the help of Google Tag Manager we can track all activity on your site and map a comprehensive customer journey.


We ensure that Google Analytics is used in a privacy-compliant manner and assist you in adjusting your privacy policy and in creating cookie banners and OptOut cookies.


Web analysis at 1xINTERNET  also includes the transfer of the key figures into a user-friendly and interactive management reporting  in your corporate design.