1xINTERNET at DrupalCon Prague 2022

8 min.
1xTEAM at DrupalCon Prague 2022

This year, DrupalCon Europe took place in Prague, last September 20-23rd. All of a sudden the event we all had been waiting for, is now behind us; but, oh boy, we did enjoy it. We realized how much we have missed these in-person conferences. Seeing the people we have been writing emails to and meeting with on-line makes such a difference. Human to human, is always more enjoyable, even though most of us strive to make the internet a better place with our day-to-day work.

At 1xINTERNET we had been planning this event for months. Designing our booth, t-shirts and merchandise. Talks being prepared, flights and hotels being booked with the level of excitement going up each week of the event getting closer. Our team flew or drove in from all over Europe but with offices in Frankfurt, Berlin, Conil and Reykjavik this was also special for us as we were spending time with colleagues we don't meet on a regular basis in the office. A double win for most of us! Some of us were experiencing their first DrupalCon and some of us going for the 10th time, but everyone had a blast; learning, sharing, contributing and collaborating.

We're proud to be Platinum sponsors

This year, like previous years, 1xINTERNET was one of the main sponsors at DrupalCon Prague. We always aim to give back to the Drupal Community, both as sponsors of events like this as well as being Premium Supporting Partners of the Drupal Association and by contributing to the Drupal Project. 

We welcomed many guests to our booth, where we made new friends and met old ones, engaging in inspiring conversations about Drupal, ongoing projects, and the future for the open web. We would like to thank everyone that stopped by and we hope you stay in touch via social media and in future Drupal gatherings.

We would also like to thank everyone that participated in our photo challenge during the event and send our warmest greetings to the winners.

Highlights from the conference

It's hard to explain an event like DrupalCon to someone that has never been. It’s so inspiring to be a part of something like the Drupal community, where 1200 Drupalists come together to contribute to the Drupal project, learn from each other, share success and failures but most and foremost share the ambitions for the future. This we all understand so much better after days like these in Prague. 

One of the highlights of DrupalCon every year is without a doubt the Driesnote. In his keynote he discussed the importance of ownership of your web properties. How it’s not only big organizations that need to think about this, but also us as individuals, at times of constant content sharing, whether we are willing to give third parties access to our images and information. This should not come as a surprise, being Dries, that promotes privacy, flexibility and full ownership to users of Drupal.

“I really want good software to win. We should all want good software to win, software that is open and flexible, that gives you unlimited freedom, is accessible, pro-privacy, no lock-in."

Dries Buytaert at DrupalCon Prague 2022

Driesnote DrupalCon Prague 2022

Dries also highlighted the importance of the Drupal 10 upgrade (planned for December 2022) and how these upgrades are making Drupal more user friendly and easier to use and contribute to. If you missed the Driesnote this year we recommend you watch it here.

Other great sessions during the conference

1xTalks at DrupalCon Prague 2022

Other highlights for us at 1xINTERNET were obviously our speakers. 

Lara Garrido Moreno, designer, Jose Nieves, and Mónica Rodríguez Cárdenas, both front-end developers at 1x attended their first DrupalCon this year. They hosted a session and gave guests an insight into how they work in projects at 1xINTERNET. Their session was called “The collaborative flow between design and frontend in the development of an atomic design system”. This talk was very well received by guests, there were a lot of questions and there seemed to be a lot of interest on the topic. Being able to share with others how we work at 1xINTERNET was a great experience and hopefully this group will have more opportunities to do so. 

For more information you can access the slides from the presentation here.

Dr. Christoph Breidert, co-founder and Managing Director of 1xINTERNET and Stefan Weber CTO & Managing Director of 1xINTERNET hosted a session about how we created a micro frontend solution using Drupal for a large European B2B/B2C food retailer. They showed the audience real examples of fully functional websites we have been working on at 1xINTERNET in the past months.

For more information you can access the slides from the presentation here.

Women in Drupal Awards

Women in Drupal Awards took place for the first but hopefully not last time at DrupalCon Prague. It was a nice event during one of the lunch breaks. Lots of people attended to honor three women from the Drupal community. The award winners this year are: 

Stella Power in category Scale. Stella is the Managing Director at Annertech and has been involved in Drupal for over 15 years. Known for her contribution to Drupal. 

Cristina Chumillas in category Define. Cristina is a Senior Front-End Developer at Lullabot. Known for her volunteering work at Drupal.cat. She has been involved in Drupal for over 10 years.

Surabhi Gokte in category Build is a Community Manager at Srijan. Surabhi is known for her organizational skills when it comes to Drupal events.

Congratulations to all of the winners , from the 1xINTERNET team.The Women in Drupal Award was sponsored by FFW.

Women in Drupal Awards DC Prague

DA community Talk

Meeting part of the board of the Drupal Association was a nice event during the conference. Baddy Breidert, Dries Buyaert, Imre Gmlig Meijling, Tiffany Ferris and Owen Lansbury were all present  to answer questions from the guests. It was a great opportunity to engage in a conversation about how the DA is managed and get immediate answers to questions we might have about the future or certain tasks that  involve the DA.

Feedback from 1xTEAM

“I wasn't sure exactly what to expect from DrupalCon but I found it to be a really open, friendly event and an inspiring experience. I had engaging conversations, I learned a lot and left with a head full of things to think about. I took part in a BOF discussion which despite my relative lack of knowledge on the subject was a very inclusive group discussion and really informative. Can't wait for DrupalCon Lille in 2023”.

Sophie Twiss, Marketing and Communications at 1xINTERNET attending DrupalCon for the first time

Sophie Twiss employee 1xINTERNET

“As a first timer there, I found the conference as an entry point to the Drupal community. I loved the programming atmosphere, with developers implementing features and fixing bugs on every corner, step, table or booth. I also enjoyed the friendly mood of the people, always open to have an interesting conversation. I even presented a workshop as a speaker and it was an amazing experience. Summing up, it was an enriching event.”

Jose Nieves, front-end developer at 1xINTERNET attending DrupalCon for the first time

José new employee photo

"Going to Prague for the European DrupalCon 2022 was an amazing experience. As a "frequent-attendee" of Drupal events, there's way more to a DrupalCon than the sessions, namely the personal interactions with other members of the Drupal community, which has always been my favorite part of these conferences. As the first in-person DrupalCon in Europe since 2019, this was a chance to finally attend the sessions with colleagues, speak to random people in the corridor, attend the parties, all of which were not possible to the same level with the online format. Prague is a beautiful city, and going back to Eastern Europe after so many years also attracted many new faces that I had never seen before. I'm really looking forward to DrupalCon Lille in 2023, since the last DrupalCon held in France was my first DrupalCon: Paris 2009."

Joao Ventura, developer at 1xINTERNET attending DrupalCon for his 15th time


DrupalCon Europe: great experience & valuable insights

DrupalCon Prague 2022 was a great experience for our big group from 1xINTERNET. Whether attending for the first time or the 15th time, we all took home some learnings. We are really looking forward to DrupalCon Europe, in October 2023 in Lille! Until then, we will focus on creating digital solutions for our clients and contributing to the Drupal Projects as much as possible.

More photos from the event

Other highlights


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