1xINTERNET with two Splash Awards!

3 min.
1xINTERNET wins two Splash Awards

Celebration of the best Drupal Projects

The German and Austrian Splash awards took place yesterday. The event turned out to be great success with over 150 guests attending online.  Jeffrey A "jam" McGuire was the host of the night and did a great job after few attempts to get his sound working - but that's just a 2020 reality everyone understood.  Heather Rocker, Executive Director of the Drupal Association, was a special guest at the awards. It was nice to hear from her and great how she values events like the Splash Awards and how it shows the strength of the community. She went over the situation at the Drupal Association and how the Corona Virus has affected every aspect of the "normal" activity that it stands for.  Together we are stronger and the atmosphere last night showed that very clearly!

Out of our three nomination we won two categories, enterprise and government which made the evening even more enjoyable for us. Congratulations Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe and Transgourmet! 

Winners of the German and Austria Splash awards 2020

Check out our Splash Awards winners case studies

E-commerce solution Multisite solution

Transgourmet - multisite and headless e-commerce

Transgourmet food trucks next to the warehouse

Developing a multisite CMS platform with Drupal and Commercetools to offer customers and suppliers the latest digital convenience.

E-commerce solution

BSB - headless e-commerce

A ship navigating on the Lake Constance

Personalisation and performance with Drupal: creating a user-centric website with an integrated headless e-commerce system to boost online sales.

All in all, great event! Big applause to the organisers that did a fantastic job at weird times and to the jury for also for their work valuation all the nominations that we submitted.

Until next year! Cheers to the best German and Austrian Drupal projects of 2020.

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