Platinum Sponsor of DrupalCon Europe 2020

7 min.

We are approaching the end of the year, and at 1xINTERNET we are getting ready to celebrate at DrupalCon Europe 2020. Since DrupalCon Amsterdam last year, lots of things have happened in the world and virtual conferences are becoming the new normality. We are now preparing for this virtual event and getting excited about meeting our Drupal friends from all over Europe and possibly the rest of the world during the week 8-11th of December.

Let's talk at DrupalCon Europe 2020

Let’s talk! 

This year 1xINTERNET is a proud Platinum sponsor of the event. We have written about it before how important it is for us to be “Makers” in the Drupal ecosystem. In all of our internal work at the company we make sure everyone is encouraged to contribute to Drupal in one way or another and be part of the community. During the conference we will be active in our booth and we hope to get as many guests as possible to swing by and say hi! Our focus will be on talking and sharing with other conference guests,  so you will be able to meet big part of our team to have a chat if you fancy. Meet our founders, devops teams and project managers to discuss anything you can think of. During every break of the event we will be available for a chat, so make sure you follow us on Twitter as we will be tweeting our schedule as we go along. We also might have some treats for our visitors so stay tuned! 

Our speakers at the conference

The conference schedule is very promising and we are pretty sure everyone will find something every day to get inspired and entertained. 119 sessions in five tracks are included in the ticket so make sure you grab yours if you have not done so already.

Diego Costa - Being Open about Being Human 

Tuesday 8th of December  at: 10:30-10:50 in Dublin Room

Diego Costa, our Director of Business Strategy, will host an interesting session called  Being Open about Being Human. He will go over his journey dealing with depression and anxiety throughout his life and career. Mental Health disorders affect millions of people every year, and have a significant impact on employees and employers. In the session, Diego will go over his experiences, what people can do to improve their mental health, and some examples on how companies can better support their employees.

Diego Costa, Director of Digital Strategy

Hristo Chonov - Autosave and Concurrent editing in Drupal

Wednesday 9th of December at 9:50-10:10 UTC  in Darmstadt Room

Hristo Chonov is one of our Software developers. In his talk Autosave and Concurrent editing (conflict resolution) in Drupal 8/9 Hristo will introduce two modules enhancing the editorial experience in Drupal 8/9: Autosave Form and Conflict.

Autosave ensures that content changes will not be lost if a sudden power outage or network disruption occurs. The current state of each entity form is continuously autosaved, so that the user is able to always resume from the last autosaved state. The concurrent editing feature provided by the conflict module allows for the simultaneous editing of the same content by multiple users. Whenever possible automatic merges are performed. When conflicts occur the user is provided with a visual tool for resolving them.

During his talk he will look at the state of the modules and what there is to come. 

Hristo Chonov

Adam Juran - Content Architecture using Design Pattern

Wednesday 9th of December at 10:30-11:1 UTC in Darmstadt Room

Adam Juran is one of our Frontend developers and in his talk Content Architecture using Design Pattern he is starting with a short overview and examples of Atomic Design. He will examine several types of components and discuss their potential frontend behaviours, content models, and editorial experiences. Adam will demonstrate how we integrate our components by mapping Drupal templates to our design patterns. Finally he  will show how we can optimize the authoring experience based on both the content architecture and the design system.

This session is targeted at solution architects, designers, frontend developers, Drupal site-builders and Drupal site owners. Attendees will learn how web design and content architecture can work together using Drupal, and will take away methodologies and practices that they can apply to their own design and development workflows.

Adam Juran, Senior Frontend Development

Christoph Breidert - Enterprise grade editorial experiences with Drupal

Wednesday 9th of December at 12:30-13:10 UTC  in  Prague Room

Christoph Breidert Managing director of 1xINTERNET will talk about editorial experiences and how building CMS systems has changed. 

In his talk Enterprise grade editorial experiences with Drupal Christoph will show how 1xINTERNET has developed new modules to improve the editorial experience of editors, in order to meet the expectations of our clients. One module allows re-using entities as content templates with a similar UI as Google Docs. Another one, that we are currently developing, allows editing entities directly in the frontend.

Both modules are built on top of Drupal, using as much of the API as possible. At the same time the integrations are lightweight and can easily be extended. The plan at 1xINTERNET is to contribute both modules.

Baddý Sonja Breidert - First steps to successful content strategy

Wednesday 9th of December at 15:30-17:10 UTC in Prague Room

Baddý Sonja Breidert our CEO will host a two hours workshop about the First steps to successful content strategy. Baddy will explain how important it is that every web project has a content strategy with clear goals, a great UX/design, and a thoughtfully modeled information architecture that is implemented in a CMS system. All of these tasks are done by different people: Content strategists, analytics experts, UX- and graphic designers, accessibility experts, solution architects, and software developers.

The challenge here is to create a mutual understanding of all stakeholders and an easy to understand workflow for people to collaborate. At 1xINTERNET the company has developed an intuitive model for the workflow that we apply in all web projects in this workshop, Baddý will go over each step and explain the benefit it adds to every project. 

Baddy Sonja speaker DrupalCon Europe 2020

Joãor Ventura & Stefan Weber - Devops, Gitops and how we go from local development to production deployment

Thursday 10th of December at 16:15-16.45 UCT

Joãor Ventura is one of our Drupal Software Developers & Stefan Weber is the CTO and Managing director of 1xINTERNET. In their Live Engagement talk “Devops, Gitops and how we go from local development to production deployment” they will go over how they survive with over 100 sites to manage, spanning different versions of Drupal, and some not even in Drupal. How they have leveraged several open-source tools to create a workflow that simplifies the following use cases:

  1. Setup of a local development environment for developers, requiring max 30 mins to onboard a new developer;
  2. Easy deployment of changes allowing tech leads and project managers to perform QA on work performed. 
  3. Simple workflow to deploy to any environment in a safe and controlled process

In this talk, they will also talk briefly about the tools and processes they use to achieve this, and then open the floor to any questions from the audience to further discuss our experience, so that we can all learn how to best solve these challenges.

Joao and Stefan

Let’s Celebrate together 

Don't forget to stop by at our booth so we can have a talk!

Follow us on social media for updates during the conference.

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