Pizza-Pasta boat trip on Lake Constance and workshop

5 min.

What a great summer we had in Germany this year. The beer gardens and swimming pools were well visited and the Lake Constance region was definitely a magnet for many lake and nature lovers looking for access to the cool waters. For our client Bodensee Schiffsbetriebe (BSB), this meant that many visitors took advantage of their ferry service, and also participated in various event tours on Lake Constance.

Website with online ticket system

In order to take a step towards digital transformation, we have been working with the BSB's online marketing team over the last few years to develop their website further and implement an online ticket system to their website. The new functionality allows users to purchase ferry tickets, annual tickets, vouchers and much more digitally. The old BSB webshop had some performance issues  and the usability was not self-descriptive, the new system is modern, intuitive and clear.

Explore the online table of BSB!

Full speed ahead - turnover of the previous year already reached in June

Since May 2021, we have been working on successively integrating all products into the webshop. After the Corona period, the Bodensee Schiffsbetriebe were able to make full use of the new functionalities of the new webshop. It was all the more gratifying to hear from  BSB in the  beginning of June that the turnover of the entire previous year had already been  achieved with the new webshop. An exceptional  result and great milestone, considering that the BSB season starts in April and ends in October.

We are celebrating success

The BSB team were so happy with this success story that they invited the 1xINTERNET BSB team to join an event cruise on Lake Constance. We didn't need to be asked  twice, what could be better than visiting a satisfied customer? Especially as the summer was coming to an end and many of us had never been to Lake Constance before. No sooner said than done! Our developers, some of whom are based in Spain, flew in. We booked a hotel and set off for Constance to see and experience at first hand what we develop and design for BSB every day.

Pizza-Pasta cruise

On the evening of our arrival, we met the BSB team. Many of us got to know each other personally for the first time on this day, so it was not surprising that there was some amusement about the actual height or real appearance of each other, as we usually only meet digitally via video conference.

The highlight of our excursion was the "Pizza and Pasta" cruise. From Constance, we took the boat towards the sunset, enjoyed the evening in Italian flair with a large pizza and pasta buffet on the boat where we not only exchanged ideas about the latest to-dos, but also had the opportunity to talk about personal things. Some of our Spanish colleagues were in Germany for the first time and were excited about being on Lake Constance. After a few plates of pizza and pasta later, we arrived back in Constanz, where we fell into bed after an evening  walk and some drinks. 

Workshop in Constanz at BSB office

The next day we continued with a workshop at the Bodensee Schiffsbetriebe office. Many new ideas were brought to the table about  how we can further develop and optimize the web presence in the future and of course challenges were also discussed face-to-face. We rounded off our visit to Lake Constance with lunch together and made our way back to Frankfurt.

The BSB Office with the BSB Online Marketing Team and 1xINTERNET Team

A hands-on project

The trip to Lake Constance showed us in real terms that what we develop every day for the Bodensee Schiffsbetriebe creates an added value to the services they offer. On the one hand, we managed to make all ferry tickets bookable online, and on the other hand, we mapped a complete user journey. Visitors to Lake Constance can use QR codes on posters around Lake Constance which, when scanned, guide them directly to the website for the booking process. A fully focused customer journey for BSB customers. BSB is definitely a “hands-on customer”" for us :)

Read more about the BSB project

Conclusion: We will definitely come to Constance again because we understand that  it is important to be in direct and personal contact with our clients. This  way we can continue to get better and better. Big thanks to the online marketing team of BSB for the great cruise and the trust. We´re looking forward to working on more great projects together!

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