Invitation to our Free Webinar at SHIFT CX

2 min.

On Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 11 a.m. we are speaking alongside our client Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG at a webinar hosted by Shift CX, a platform that promotes trends in customer experience management.

The Schwabe Group was facing challenges such as overcoming inconsistencies of web presences worldwide, managing web presences centrally and providing a unified appearance, while remaining flexible for each individual brand.

These challenges were solved with the help of 1xINTERNET in only 3 months. Learn about Acquia's role in all of this, as well as how our customer Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG was able to save money while successfully increasing brand visibility.

This exciting webinar will be lead by Baddy Breidert, CEO and Founder of 1xINTERNET, and Alexander Reisenauer, Director Global Digital Marketing at Schwabe Group. You are invited to join us and we encourage you to bring questions!

More information about the project

Schwabe Group

The Schwabe group comprises several different affiliated companies in the pharmaceutical and health industry. Operating in 16 different markets worldwide the company was facing problems managing their online businesses, with maintenance costs going up and increasing complications with security updates. To gain control the company decided to start developing a multisite solution for future web properties and that’s where 1xINTERNET got involved.

Read the case study

Schwabe case study 1xINTERNET

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