Happy DrupalCon GLOBAL 2020

5 min.

The Drupal community plays an important role for those who use the Drupal framework on a daily basis. Developers, project managers, designers, marketing managers, end-users, everyone that work with Drupal can benefit from an event like this in a big way. Growing the network is a valuable factor, and at these large events it is possible to share and collaborate about your open source knowledge. It is so inspiring and empowering for everyone involved, and it does not matter if you are new to Drupal or if you have decade of experiences in your bag, everyone leaves the event like this inspired and looking forward to the next DrupalCamp and the next DrupalCon.

Highlight of this year DrupalCon Global

This DrupalCon is different from what we are used to. There will be no in-person parties or surprise bumping-into old Drupal friends, but to focus on the positive the event is packed with great sessions. We are looking at a week of 100 sessions including industry and topical mini summits, interesting sessons from professionals, presentations from sponsors, on demand video library and lots of other content to keep us entertained this week!

We at 1xINTERNET are very happy that our CEO and Co-Founder Baddy Sonja will take part in two summits at this DrupalCon Global. Baddy will be taking part in the Government Summit on Tuesday 14th of July at 18:00 UTC organised by Becca Goodman and Jess Dearie . Baddy will talk about how the City of Reykjavik changed from building websites to building culture and framework for digital development, and why it's important to have a good content strategy.

On Wednesday 15th at 14:00 UTC she will take part in the Community Summit where she will give an Events Organizer update. Directly after her session at the Community Summit she will participate in the Public Q&A with the Drupal Association staff and board together with Dries, Adam Goodman (chairman of the board), Heather Rocker (Executive Director of the DA) and Tim Lehnen (CTO of the DA). This session is interesting for everyone who would like to know more about the Drupal Association and how it is supporting the project. Since November last year, Baddy is the Treasurer of the board of the Drupal Association and will give an update on the financials as well as other activities of the Drupal Association. You will also find Baddy both in the Event organiser group booth and the Drupal Association booth during exhibition hours. Please stop by and say hi to her ( Baddy loves that:).

But these are not the only interesting talks. We have the Driesnote on Tuesday the 14th at 16:15-18:00 UTC, this is always one of the highlights at every DrupalCon and will probably be this year as well. Dries will talk about the state of the Drupal project, how the release of Drupal 9 went and what are the plans for Drupal 10. So do not miss out on this!

Mitchell Baker is the Keynote speaker this year at DrupalCon Global. Everyone involved in the open source world knows that Mitchell has been an inspiring leader the last two decades or from 1998 when Mozilla was founded. She is Chair of board at Mozilla and in her keynote she will talk about how open source community can contribute to building a good internet. This you should not miss out on! Just before Mitchell’s keynote, the Aaron Winborn award is presented to an individual who demonstrates personal integrity, kindness, and above-and-beyond commitment to our community.

iAsia Brown is a program manager at Microsoft and has an interesting talk about how Diversity, Equity and Inclusion have never been important as they are now in the middle of a global pandemic. This topic has always been important to the members of the Drupal community. It will be interesting to hear what iAsia has to say. 

As said above the list of talks is long. You can take a look here on the Agenda Overview to plan what you want to see at this DrupalCon Global. 

1xINTERNET participates in the Contribution day

On Friday the 17th our whole team at 1xINTERNET will take part in the Contribution day and hopefully repeat our success from our last contribution day at the Drupal 9 Contribution weekend that was a great experience for our team. This year, the contribution is organised on a virtual platform that has been created by the Drupal Association and the Open Social team. If you are interested in contributing, then sign up and join a group of your interest.

If you are going to DrupalCon Global, make sure you say hi to our team members that will be attending the conference as well.

Have a great DrupalCon Global week everyone and may our Drupal hearts beat strong!

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