The Drupal heart is beating strong

3 min.

Yesterday was a good day for the Drupal community, because it very clearly showed how much power can be released when we stick together. The world has been upside down the last few weeks because of the COVID-19, affecting individuals and businesses around the world. To meet unforeseen financial troubles due to the cancellation of DrupalCon Minneapolis, the Drupal association reached out to the community for help.

Viral donations for the Drupal Association 

#DrupalCares went viral where individuals and companies were encouraged to help the Drupal Association with donations.

Last week Dries and Vanessa Buytaert announced that they would match individual donations up to $100k which then lead to a group of dedicated business leaders in the Drupal ecosystem coming together and deciding to match for another $100k

That means that every $1 donation will become $3. Now that's what I call a positive viral affect! 

1xINTERNET supports the Drupal project

1xINTERNET has always been a driving force when it comes to supporting the Drupal project and the Drupal Association, and therefore we didn’t think twice about taking part. Our whole team is deeply dedicated and I'm so proud of our employees at 1xINTERNET that also donated individually to the project.

Here we are in a powerful group of companies that today announced that together they will match individual #DrupalCares contributions for another $100,000, because we believe in the power of Drupal. We all have the same goal, to see Drupal thrive and grow and continue to be the force it is.


It made my day to receive these positive news about the power of the Drupal community and what we are capable of. Last August I wrote a blogpost about Contributing to Open Source where I highlighted my opinion of the importance of being an active member in our community. I'm now more convinced of how important it is and I'm pretty sure a lot of you agree with me.

#DrupalCares Challenge

We see the purpose highlighted at this time when online presence has never been as important with the world physically shutting down around us. Drupal provides infrastructure for many public health organizations and health care systems that now are delivering information about the COVID-19 pandemic situation to millions of people as well as many Higher Educational websites providing important information to students all over the world.

I encourage you to take part and keep the Drupal heart pumping.

See all information about the status of the #DrupalCare project, its not too late to visit the donation page and take part.

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