24/7 standby support

Fast and professional assistance at any time

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

At 1xINTERNET, we provide 24/7 standby support with a dedicated team of senior engineers on-call for expert, reliable assistance. Our rapid response time is often within 15 minutes, and we deliver detailed post-mortem reports and incident follow-ups for thorough issue resolution and transparency.

Plan your project

Graphic showing database and incident icon

How your business can benefit from the 24/7 standby service


  • Even if monitors and metrics are in place, someone needs to react.
  • Resources for 24/7 standby not available.
  • Missing documentation/ access to remediate incidents.


  • Contract an experienced team of engineers to be available 24/7.
Dashboard showing resource planning tool

Key features of our 24/7 standby service

Tool-aided team scheduling

We utilise tool-aided team scheduling to ensure optimal coverage and efficiency.

Dashboard showing resource planning tool

Seamless integration with communication tools

Our system integrates with your preferred communication tools, including e-mail, Slack, phone. This allows for flexible and convenient interactions.

Two screens with logos of different communication tools

Configurable escalation procedures

We offer configurable escalation procedures tailored to your organisation's needs and preferences.

Escalation pyramid with three people icons

Incident follow-up subscriptions

For ongoing transparency and updates, you can subscribe to incident follow-ups and remain informed during the resolution process.

Column chart with security and incident icons

Trusted by industry-leading brands

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