Our highlights, where knowledge, inspiration and entertainment meet


Spargelabend with German - Icelandic chamber of commerce

Group photo at the Spargelabend

We celebrated the arrival of the asparagus in Iceland with German - Icelandic chamber of commerce.

1 min.
Read more about this: Spargelabend with German - Icelandic chamber of...

Meet us at DrupalCon Lille 2023

1xINTERNET at DC Lille

DrupalCon is the biggest event in the European Drupal community calendar. This year we are Platinum...

4 min.
Knowledge base

Decoupled search with Drupal Search API

We have added a fully working Javascript client to Search API Decoupled. See it in action and read...

7 min.
Knowledge base

Why and how we use Figma

Figma is a collaborative application whose main purpose is UI design. In this article we explain why...

10 min.
Knowledge base

Content templates module in Drupal

When it comes to building a successful website, content creation plays an essential role. However...

4 min.

1xCAMP in Conil de la Frontera 2023

A beach view with a wooden signpost pointing to different beaches

Once a year, we gather for several days in a beautiful part of the world. This year we met up in...

5 min.
Knowledge base

Why choose open source over proprietary software for enterprise projects

We often get asked what open source software is and why companies prefer it over proprietary...

6 min.
Knowledge base

Drupal 9 end of life: how does it impact your business?

Drupal 9 reaches its end of life (EOL) in November 2023. This implies that websites using Drupal 9...

5 min.
Corporate culture

1xHEALTH: The future of work is health and wellbeing

1xHEALTH becomes a priority in 2023. 1xINTERNET shows its commitment to creating a positive and...

4 min.
Knowledge base

Why and how we use Tailwind CSS

In this article we are going to give an overview of Tailwind CSS, highlight the most important...

10 min.
Knowledge base

Collaborative workflow between designers and developers

The collaboration between designers and developers is an essential factor for the success of any web...

Knowledge base

Key steps for developing a collaborative design process

A good collaborative workflow between designers and developers can lead to successful outcomes in...

Knowledge base

Using a MVP approach for web projects

At 1xINTERNET we use a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach for delivering successful web projects...

6 min.